7. Abraham and Isaac

One day God tested Abraham’s love. He said, “Abraham, I want you to give your only son to me. I want you to sacrifice Isaac on an altar.” This was very difficult for Abraham, since he loved Isaac very much. But Abraham trusted God.

Early the next morning, Abraham took Isaac to a mountain and built an altar.
“Father, where is the lamb for the sacrifice?” Isaac asked.
“God will provide!” answered Abraham.

Then Abraham laid his son on the altar. Suddenly, an angel of God shouted, “Abraham! Abraham! Do not hurt the boy. Since you have obeyed the Lord God, I now know that your love for God is great!”

Then Abraham saw a ram caught by his horns in the bushes. Abraham sacrificed the ram that God had provided instead of his only son. Abraham named that place “The Lord will provide.” The Lord God blessed Abraham with a great reward because he trusted Him.

  1. Did Abraham trust God?
  2. What did Abraham offer to God at the end?
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